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WS | Brusher

WS | Brusher


The WS Brusher offers outstanding results in improving crop appearance without using water. Potatoes and onions are pressed against the brushes by a PVC sleeve or, alternatively, an additional self-aligning brush unit. Standard models are equipped with wavy brushes. Suction fan to collect loose skin and a variable-speed transmission unit to adjust working speed can be mounted as optional equipment.

The models manufactured to work in a production line are combined with a belt conveyor functioning as a bypass of the brusher and mounted on a special slidable frame. 


Type   WS2-610 WS2-1010 WS2-1014 WS2-1210 WS2-1214
working width [mm] 550 1000 1000 1200 1200
qty. of rolls [szt] 10 10 14 10 14
installed capacity [kW] 0,75 1,1 1,5 1,5 2,2
